Short-form video: Game-changer or gimmick? An example from careers education

Photo by James McKinven on Unsplash

Digital education reading group: October 2024

This month the digital education reading group will consider the value of short-form video in online education using a specific example from Careers education.  There is much already written and believed about short-form video, so we’ll explore new and insightful perspectives from careers education.

The increasing accessibility of video editing tools like Canva, with its AI-enhanced capabilities, has opened up new possibilities for creating engaging, diverse content quickly and easily. This has major implications for how we design learning experiences and incorporate multiple perspectives into our teaching.

Senior Careers Consultant, Liz Wilkinson, will share her experience with creating super short videos for the Global Employability Skills project for the BSc Psychology. By using Canva she was able to quickly create engaging short video and, crucially, recruit a wide range of voices to provide content for that format.  This demonstrates how short-form video can increase both the diversity of role models and accessibility in educational content.

Liz will show us some of the benefits she found from her approach, and invite us to consider how this might help us in our own practice.

We hope this session will inspire you to think about how short-form video can enrich our online education offerings by expanding diversity, enhancing student engagement, and making content more accessible to all learners.

List of topics discussed at previous meetings